Local Prints Now help center

High quality photo prints online with local pickup. Choose from hundreds of independent camera shops and professional development labs. Same day pickup available in most locations.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Local Prints Now?

A: Local Prints Now is a mobile app and website that allows you to order photo prints for pick up at your local store.

Q: How long will my prints take to develop?

A: Processing times depend on each specific photo lab. Same day photo print pickup is available in most locations.

Q: What quality will my photos be printed?

A: Our retailer network uses high quality professional grade photo equipment including Noritsu machines along with the best quality photo papers in the industry.

Q: Can I Print Instagram and Facebook pictures?

A: You can print photos from your favourite social media accounts including Instagram and Facebook using our mobile apps.

Q: How do I get the mobile app?

Get it on Google Play

Download on the Apple App Store

Q: Local Prints Now similar to FreePrints?

A: FreePrints sends out prints via postal service and you are required to pay shipping charges. With Local Prints Now, there are no shipping charges because you pick up your prints in the store. Depending on the order size and product selected the price can actually lower than using FreePrints due to the shipping.

Q: Is Local Prints Now a Shutterfly company?

A: No, Local Prints Now is developed by an independent product lab, MEA and is not owned by Shutterfly.

Contact support

Need help with your order?

Please contact our customer care team:  support@localprintsnow.com